Wisp Wrappings
Where to find Wisp Wrappings:
Wisp Wrappings look like long thin white film. They are dropped by Wispmothers, which are typically found in non-snowy wilderness. Peddlers randomly walking around in the wilderness also have a chance of carrying them.
Ideal ingredient matchers:
These are ingredients which have two or more effects in common with Wisp Wrappings:
- Hawk Beak (Fortify Carry Weight, Restore Stamina)
- Netch Jelly (Fortify Carry Weight, Restore Stamina)
All effects of Wisp Wrappings, together with other ingredients that share the same effect:
Fortify Carry Weight:
- Creep Cluster
- Giant's Toe
- Hawk Beak
- Netch Jelly
- Poison Bloom
- River Betty
- Scaly Pholiota
- Trama Root
- Wisp Wrappings
Fortify Destruction:
Resist Magic:
- Bleeding Crown
- Chicken's Egg
- Crimson Nirnroot
- Felsaad Tern Feathers
- Gleamblossom
- Hagraven Claw
- Hawk's Egg
- Lavender
- Nirnroot
- Tundra Cotton
- Void Salts
- Wisp Wrappings